Become a TINZ member and be part of the growing movement against corruption.
As a member of Transparency International New Zealand, you can help us tackle corruption. Together, we will build more transparent and accountable systems – in government, in the private sector, and across the community, for the benefit of all.
Your membership will help us present clear and compelling research, evidence-based advocacy, and practical solutions to prevent and stop corruption, and strengthen political and business integrity.
With your TINZ membership, you will receive our e-updates, enjoy invitations and discounted tickets to our special events, and contribute your experience and perspectives through our meetings and conferences.
Corporate membership of Transparency International New Zealand is for organisations committed to transparency and accountability.
Corporate members of our anti-corruption movement enjoy invitations and discounted tickets to our special events; benefit from our expertise to strengthen responsible business conduct; and tap into our extensive network of Transparency International partners collaborating on pro-integrity work around the world.
We can tackle corruption by working together. Join us and to work to build a better, more transparent and accountable nation.
Does transparency and integrity speak to your organisation’s core values? Are you looking for a way to promote and support anti-corruption initiatives? If your organisation would like to support our work, there are several ways you can do this – become an affiliate, partner with us, or make an organisational donation (see above).
If you share our commitment to good governance and accountability, we can form a strategic partnership or affiliation.
Together, we can expand the area of influence of both organisations and help each other more efficiently achieve our common goals.