Candidates' Panel: Business and political integrity during COVID-19 recovery

Tuesday 6 October 2020, Wellington

5.30pm – 7.00pm followed by refreshments

Lecture Theatre One, Rutherford House, Victoria University

of Wellington, 33 Bunny Street, Pipitea, Wellington 6011

Note: this event has been rescheduled from 25 August, to align with the revised election date 17 October and the hope that we will be able to hold an in person event at that time.  If you registered for the 25 August event, you are already confirmed for the new 6 October date. Please let us know if you will be unable to make it so we can offer the seat to someone else.

How might we ensure business and political integrity in our recovery?

Join Transparency International New Zealand and the Victoria University Brian Picot Chair of Ethical Leadership, to hear the 2020 Wellington election candidates focus on business and political integrity.

Wellington City Counsellor Tamatha Paul, will MC the event. Broadcaster and political specialist Ian Fraser, will ask the hard questions.

This is not a debate. This is an opportunity for the candidates to describe what they will do to both prevent corruption and promote integrity.

Hon Grant Robertson (Labour), Fletcher Tabuteau (NZ First), Jessica Hammond (TOP), David Patterson (National) and Hon James Shaw (Green), will share their insights and perspectives on business and political integrity during our recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

Under COVID-19 Level 1 limitations, there still are some seats available.

As New Zealand transitions from addressing the immediate COVID-19 crisis to navigating through our recovery, there is a heightened opportunity for integrity violations. The crisis has required the Government to make quick decisions and implement drastic measures to protect communities. Without resilient and robust safeguards, our recovery is vulnerable to abuse.


To observe COVID Alert requirements, tickets pre-registration is mandatory.

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