In mid-May 2025 the New Zealand government will host an evaluation team who will review New Zealand’s implementation of the commitments it signed up to under the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
Find out MoreIn August 2024 TINZ released a significant research report as part of our National Integrity System Assessment work programme. A key recommendation is the need for a zeitgeist shift in thinking about anti-corruption in New Zealand towards positive prevention including a Government funded agency responsible for anti-corruption work and strategy.
Find out MoreAotearoa New Zealand's historically low levels of corruption have encouraged complacency and a reactive approach to policy making at top levels of politics and the public service. New Zealand must do more to protect against corruption.
Find out MoreThe perception of corruption in New Zealand’s political systems has been growing in recent years, enabled by weak or non-existent regulation. A new report from the Helen Clark Foundation has suggestions for strengthening our rules and systems, in line with similar countries, to improve trust and confidence and forestall a future crisis.
Find out MoreTINZ, ACFE and RIMS with the support of the OAG hosted an anti-corruption forum. Its focus was around the public sector anti-corruption ecosystem in New Zealand. It was excellent for its coverage and discussions about the issues.
Find out MoreAotearoa New Zealand's historically low levels of corruption have encouraged complacency and a reactive approach to policy making at top levels of politics and the public service.This is the finding presented in our just released research report: An assessment of the effectiveness of anti-corruption institutions in New Zealand in deterring, detecting and exposing corruption. This research forms part of our National Integrity System Assessment work programme.
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