New Zealand’s score has declined again, from 85 to 83 in the just released 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), resulting in a further slip in our global ranking, now to fourth, with Singapore moving into third place. This also bumps New Zealand off the top rank in the Asia Pacific region.
Find out MoreNew Zealand’s score has declined again, from 85 to 83 in the 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). This is an analysis about why we are slipping and how we can go about reversing the slide.
Find out MoreNew Zealand’s score has declined again, from 85 to 83 in the 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). This has resulted in a further slip in our global ranking to fourth, with Singapore moving into third place. This also bumps New Zealand off the top rank in the Asia Pacific region.
Find out MoreReport Brief summarizing our research report: "An assessment of the effectiveness of anti-corruption institutions in New Zealand in deterring, detecting and exposing corruption." This research forms part of our National Integrity System Assessment work programme.
Find out MoreThe latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) scores for 2023 shows New Zealand once again has a stellar record when it comes to perceived low corruption. But for the second year, its CPI ranking dropped; what are the challenges to the perception of corruption in New Zealand?
Find out MoreNew Zealand is now ranked third in the international corruption perceptions ranking prepared annually by Transparency International.
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