Crossing Boundaries Webinar

On November 17th, the Institute of Management Consultants New Zealand (IMCNZ) is conducting a professional development webinar 

This afternoon of learning, features five global and local speakers. Each will share a 30-minute presentation, followed by discussion time, to provide you with the following learning outcomes:

Crossing Boundaries

We are living, governing, and trading in an unchartered space where leaders and professionals from every sector are collectively leaning into a monumental shift to rewrite accepted norms.

Navigating the great dichotomy of isolation and hyper-connectedness the Crossing Boundaries conference invites you to share the insights of future-minded intercultural and governmental experts.

From intercultural empathy to virtual best practice and much more, this year’s Crossing Boundaries lineup of speakers from around the world is bound to expand your thinking.

TINZ Members are eligible for the IMCNZ member price. Please contact TINZ for the discount code if you would like to attend.

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