Leaders Integrity Forums

By Anne Gilbert
Public Sector Project Manager

Transparency International New Zealand runs a series of Leaders Integrity Forums on issues relating to transparency, accountability, corruption-prevention and integrity. A number of times a year, public sector leaders get together at these forums.

TINZ has organised two recent cracking good forums for public sector leaders.

Auckland July forum

Being in lockdown levels 3 and 4 again brings home again the current uncertainty we are all living with. It makes even more relevant the July Leaders Integrity Forum for Auckland public sector leaders. They have been at the sharp end of the Covid 19 pandemic and response, making and implementing decisions at pace, in an environment of great uncertainty and high community need. And, here they are again.  

The forum’s theme was “Integrity Through Uncertainty”.  See more of the challenges and lessons learned at: https://oag.parliament.nz/blog/2021/covid-19-integrity

Special Event - Applying lessons learnt 

At a special event for core agency public service chief executives, Hon Kenneth Hayne shared insights from his chairing of the Australian Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry.  He reflected on how lessons learned from the behaviours of regulators and financial service providers could be applied generally to other regulated industries, including in New Zealand..  

A summary of his key messages can be found here:


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