Lucia Young is the 2024 TINZ Dame Suzanne Snively Scholarship recipient at Victoria University.

Lucia grew up in Auckland. She is currently in her final year studying at Victoria University of Wellington, completing a Bachelor of Laws (with Honours) and a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Marketing. While undertaking her studies, she also works part-time as a research assistant.
Lucia tells the Transparency Times:
“I am incredibly grateful to be the recipient of the Transparency International NZ Dame Suzanne Snively Scholarship for 2024. This recognition not only supports my current research endeavours but also energises my commitment to advancing transparency, integrity and good governance. I appreciate the invaluable support and opportunities that this scholarship offers, which will significantly help my ongoing research and future career aspirations.”
“I am deeply interested in research centred on accountability, transparency, and te Tiriti o Waitangi. My strong passion for Māori rights and the potential of law as a tool for decolonisation drives my academic focus. I firmly believe that academic research in these areas is essential for achieving meaningful and transformative change.”
“My honours thesis focuses on transparency and holding public officials accountable in exercising their power, particularly in relation to Māori rights. In my dissertation, I propose the establishment of a Māori Ombudsman to hold the Crown to account for its obligations and to promote good administration. “
The Suzanne Snively Scholarship is intended to support independent postgraduate study by female students in some area (quite broadly) of transparency or anti-corruption in regard to governance, regulatory practices or laws, ethical leadership or ethical culture. TINZ does not direct study choices or specifically endorse the output.