Transparency International calls for strengthening Teieniwa anti-corruption vision

Amidst recent visits from foreign ministers of the United States, New Zealand, Australia and now Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Pacific governments must prioritise their own people and focus on critical democratic and anti-corruption measures. 

Transparency International chapters in the Pacific urge governments to use these opportunities to implement the policies outlined in the 2020 Teieniwa Vision, which highlights the importance of strong leadership and political will to defeat corruption. 

Joseph Veramu, Executive Director of Integrity Fiji, said:

"Almost all multilateral discussions with developed nations coming to the Pacific have focused on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Unfortunately, the huge climate funds also attract corrupt practices. Governments across the region must be one step ahead, developing proactive anti-corruption strategies and working with civil society to monitor projects so that these efforts support the people across the region.”

Read the full Transparency International Media Release

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