Uniting the world against corruption for development, peace and security

Today - 9 December 2022 - is International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) occurring alongside the International Anti-Corruption Conference.

Anti-Corruption Day 2022 

Anti-Corruption Day 2022 commemorates 20 years of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). IACD 2022 is reflecting on how the collective push over the last 20 years has made the world a better place.  

“The 2022 International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) seeks to highlight the crucial link between anti-corruption and peace, security, and development. At its core is the notion that tackling this crime is the right and responsibility of everyone, and that only through cooperation and the involvement of each and every person and institution can we overcome the negative impact of this crime. States, government officials, civil servants, law enforcement officers, media representatives, the private sector, civil society, academia, the public and youth alike all have a role to play in this.” (UNDOC)

International Anti-Corruption Conference

To line up with this day the 20th Annual International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) is underway in Washington DC. 

“The International Anti-Corruption Conference is the world’s premier global forum for bringing together heads of state, civil society, the private sector and more to tackle the increasingly sophisticated challenges posed by corruption. Established in 1983, the IACC takes place usually every two years in a different region of the world, and hosts from 800 to 2000 participants from over 140 countries worldwide.”

In addition to the 1000+ individuals gathered in Washington DC, this year's IACC incorporates a virtual element engaging many more from around the world. TINZ CEO, Julie Haggie and Newsletter Editor, Steve Snively are attending portions virtually.

Corruption is a global issue requiring action from governments, the media, businesses, civil society and individuals around the globe; some of which are corrupt themselves.

Democratic governments such as the United States and the United Kingdom, slow to react at the best of times, are further encumbered by the influence of powerful non-state organisations and by anti-democratic movements with a populace bombarded by disinformation designed to mask corrupt actors.

Meanwhile corruption is the norm within too many governments around the world.  

Much of today’s fight against corruption falls on the overburdened shoulders of journalists and civil society who lack adequate resources and are subject to persecution.  Over 100 journalists are murdered annually in efforts to uncover corruption.

New Zealand is not above the fray. Least corrupt public service does not equate to no corruption. We know from sources such as the Panama and Paradise papers that there is an industry of enablers allowing corrupt actors to launder money and hide assets in New Zealand. We can only guess the volume of this activity. 

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