Transparency International New Zealand runs a series of Leaders Integrity Forums on issues relating to transparency, accountability, corruption-prevention and integrity. A number of times a year, public sector leaders get together at these forums.
The theme of the last Leaders Integrity Forum for 2021 focused on section 14 of the Public Service Act 2020 (The Act). Section 14 explicitly recognizes the role of the public service to support the Crown in its relationships with Māori under the Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi).
The Act places responsibilities on public service leaders to support the Crown's relationships with Māori and we were fortunate to have Lil Anderson, Tumu Whakarae of the Office of Māori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti and Dr Carwyn Jones, Pūkenga Matua (Lead Academic) in the Ahunga Tikanga (Māori Laws and Philosophy) programme at Te Wānanga o Raukawa share their wisdom and knowledge as to how agencies can give effect to their responsibilities.
Forum facilitator, Karen Coutts, Transparency International New Zealand Board’s Māori Caucus Chair, led an insightful discussion.
To read more of the presentations and discussion see the OAG blog