“The Data and Statistics Bill is a step backwards for transparent and open government,” says Anne Tolley, Chair of Transparency International NZ. "We urge Parliament to withdraw this bill and maintain the independence of the Government Statistician."
Find out MoreWe urge Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Leaders now meeting in Suva, Fiji to not forget that corruption plays a major role in undermining any progress in the region.
Find out MoreCo-hosted by TINZ, the Detox our Digital World webinar is targeting youth and young adults in New Zealand and the Pacific. Please join us on 14 July at 6:30pm.
Find out MoreWe need an independent advocate who can speak to the range of rights that our children are entitled to
Find out MoreThe proposed political donation regulations are positive and TINZ welcomes them. We also feel additional reforms are required to maintain a publicly trusted,high integrity electoral system
Find out MoreTINZ recently surveyed its members in order to inform its feedback to a research team from the OECD and Te Kawa Mataaho | New Zealand Public Service Commission. This team is carrying out a case study on the drivers of trust that people have in government institutions in New Zealand.
Find out MorePacific chapters describe the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ of their contribution to integrity, transparency and accountability in Oceania in the linked report.
Find out MoreThe Office of the Auditor-General’s new integrity framework for the public sector is designed to support leaders and organisations to strive for a culture of integrity.
Find out MoreThe Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission announced two key new publications - Acting in the Spirit of Service Speaking Up and Public Participation in Government in the Future - Draft for Consultation.
Find out MoreThe Transparency International global movement released its 2021 Annual Report on 9 May. 2021 highlighting another remarkable and demanding year for the Transparency International movement.
Find out MoreNew Zealand has lost the top score for Budget Transparency in the latest international Open Budget Survey. While some of the drop is temporary or can be turned around easily, the survey results raise bigger questions about what NZ needs to do next to raise the bar on fiscal transparency.
Find out MoreTransparency International New Zealand is finalising its approach for ongoing revisions to the National Integrity System Assessment utilising a functional approach.
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