A June Webinar on business ethics event co-sponsored by the Free Speech Project and the Future of the Humanities Project at Georgetown University provides very clear messaging including that around corruption.
Find out MoreTransparency International New Zealand runs a series of Leaders Integrity Forums on issues relating to transparency, accountability, corruption-prevention and integrity for public sector leaders. Two recent cracking good forums for public sector leaders were held recently.
Find out MoreIntegrity Fiji has gained its first step towards accreditation as a chapter of Transparency International. This signals a long fight to get the chapter recognised by the international body. It is now recognised as a national contact.
Find out MoreTransparency International New Zealand has worked with South Pacific people, civil society leaders and communities through the development of the South Pacific Outreach Project. As the first phase winds down, there is a lot of progress to report.
Find out MoreThe UNCAC Coalition’s Working Group on Victims of Corruption is launching the short film contest: ‘Unveiling our Stories: Victims of Corruption’ and invites film makers – no matter if students, amateurs or professionals – to submit relevant works.
Find out MoreTINZ offered two submissions in August. We entered a submission to the Ministry of Justice regarding proposals against incitement of hatred and discrimination and one on the Māori electoral option.
Find out MoreTINZ responded to four questions raised in this submission. We support a broader review of the Māori Electoral option including consideration for Māori to switch between electoral rolls for both general and local government elections (and separately for each). We also agree that further research and community awareness raising is needed.
Find out MoreA stable and thriving economy and society rely on integrity systems that facilitate checks and balances on power, transparency of decision-making and information, the ability to speak up about wrongdoing, and to see this investigated. It also relies on the ability for people to explore issues, participate in public debate and policy formation.
Find out MoreGuest author and Olympic Bronze Medal Winner, Marcus Daniell discusses the pressure placed on tennis players to cheat and the importance of individual integrity on the part of athletes.
Find out MorePositive progress is being made in the development of the fourth National Action Plan for open government. We hope that the government continues to listen to, further engage and co-create with civil society.
Find out MoreDanika Hotham has been awarded the inaugural Transparency International New Zealand Suzanne Snively Scholarship supporting her research related to transparency, integrity, accountability or anti-corruption governance.
Find out MoreThe Financial Markets Authority makes it clear that insurance companies need to improve their conduct and culture. By completing Transparency International New Zealand's Financial Integrity System Assessment (FISA) Self-assessment, financial services firms will enhance their conduct, culture and integrity, positively impacting their customers, profits and sustainability.
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