Trust is hard to earn, and quickly lost. Four things for organizations to consider in establishing the right level of assurance and independent review.
Find out MoreTransparency and accountability must not be lost in the haste to respond to COVID-19. Trust is a commodity that is vital to New Zealand's economic recovery in both domestic and export markets. Here are practical steps for businesses to take now while dealing with COVID-19 and preparing for after.
Find out MoreWe need to consider how we continue to respond to this pandemic in the weeks, months and years ahead, ensuring that the rights of people are protected. Our vulnerable populations are very much at risk.
Find out MoreNo matter how large and reputable an organisation nor whether it is private or public, systems and preventative measures may still be weak and ineffective to prevent bribery. The Airbus bribery case should be a call to all New Zealand organisations to review the risks around corruption and bribery internally, to ensure their measures are tested to prove effective.
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