Simon Chapple has been contracted by TINZ to research and report on the effectiveness of anti-corruption mechanisms in New Zealand, in deterring, detecting and exposing corruption. This will initiate our work on the 2023 National Integrity System Assessment.
Find out MoreThe Board and CEO of Transparency International New Zealand want to pay tribute to Mataʻiʻulua ʻi Fonuamotu, Lord Fusituʻa, a Tongan politician and noble of the Realm, who passed away in February this year.
Find out MoreNew Zealand is now ranked third in the international corruption perceptions ranking prepared annually by Transparency International.
Find out MoreWhile New Zealand remains firmly entrenched among the top CPI countries, the likelihood of returning to first in the future is slim. Declining business confidence is concerning.
Find out MoreThe recent sentencing of the Lidong Foreign Exchange owner demonstrates why a strong anti money laundering regime is an important tool in fighting organised crime and the need for better regulation of money exchange businesses.
Find out MorePaper prepared jointly by The Institute of Internal Auditors New Zealand and Transparency International New Zealand in November 2023
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