Two excellent, recently released, independent reports commissioned by Stats NZ and the Public Service Commission have reported on data sharing arrangements between agencies and several organisations. They show serious gaps in the protection of sensitive personal data
In mid-May 2025 the New Zealand government will host an evaluation team who will review New Zealand’s implementation of the commitments it signed up to under the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
TINZ is a contributing chapter to the 2024-2029 Transparency International Indo Pacific Programme. TINZ’s work focuses on cross Pacific concerns including Polynesia. In 2022 we produced research on the interlinking risks of money laundering and corruption across the Pacific.
Beyond Fear: How New Zealand is Securing Safe Whistleblowing
Evidence from contemporary research underlines why legal frameworks like the Protected Disclosures Act, which promote and protect whistleblowing, are so critical to good governance in both the public and private sectors.
New Zealand slides again in 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index (Media Release)
New Zealand’s score has declined again, from 85 to 83 in the just released 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), resulting in a further slip in our global ranking, now to fourth, with Singapore moving into third place. This also bumps New Zealand off the top rank in the Asia Pacific region.
The current UNCAC review mechanism suffers from numerous weaknesses that prevent the UNCAC from truly living up to its potential. The current review of the process is an opportunity to work with other States to turn the UNCAC into a truly global anti-corruption force.
Accession to the Aarhaus Convention will benefit New Zealand
The Aarhus Convention is a new kind of environmental agreement to which New Zealand needs to accede. It emphasizes public access and participation in environmental decision making.