The 2023-2024 Transparency International New Zealand (TINZ) Annual Report was provided to members at the Annual General Meeting on the 26th of November. TINZ's mission is to foster a New Zealand culture where transparency, integrity, good governance, and ethical standards and practices are the core values of all New Zealanders.
New Zealand’s financial systems are being exploited by criminals here and overseas. A beneficial ownership register would vastly improve detection of misuse of our financial systems.
TINZ letter regarding the OGP Implementation Review Mechanism
The current UNCAC review mechanism suffers from numerous weaknesses that prevent the UNCAC from truly living up to its potential. The current review of the process is an opportunity to work with other States to turn the UNCAC into a truly global anti-corruption force.
Ethics at Work in Aotearoa: with high standards come high expectations
The ‘Ethics at Work: 2024 International Survey of Employees’ report has just been released by the Institute of Business Ethics. This report offers insights into how employees perceive ethics within their organisation and highlights the importance of strong ethical workplace cultures.
It is estimated that 10% of New Zealand’s imports are likely to be produced utilising modern slavery. This is not a far away issue, but one that affects all of us.
TINZ calls for an amplified Civil Society Voice at CHOGM
“Civil society participation is essential to the achievement and maintenance of common wealth and resilience” was the key message from Transparency International New Zealand to leaders attending the October Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa.
The Auditor-General has recently used his position to express our shared concerns about the dangers to constitutional integrity when politicians give themselves the power to make direct public funding decisions or to enable non-transparent access to natural assets.
“Civil society participation is essential to the achievement and maintenance of common wealth and resilience” is the key message from Transparency International New Zealand to leaders attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa.
Te Kawa Mataaho, The Public Service Commission long-term insights briefing
Te Kawa Mataaho, The Public Service Commission is currently consulting on subject matter topics for its long-term insights briefing. TINZ’s response focused on addressing long term integrity risks and how to proactively address them.
The use of slave labour, child labour, debt bondage and worker exploitation is here in New Zealand and pervasive in our imports. Ultimately companies may need to invest in in-depth research of their complete supply chain and in-depth ‘feet on the ground’ investigations of suspicious suppliers.
Accession to the Aarhaus Convention will benefit New Zealand
The Aarhus Convention is a new kind of environmental agreement to which New Zealand needs to accede. It emphasizes public access and participation in environmental decision making.